满帆 University

名人堂r 史蒂夫Switaj Talks Stop-Motion Animation 和 How to Move Forward in the Industry

名人堂r 史蒂夫Switaj Talks Stop-Motion Animation

史蒂夫Switaj lights up when he describes the stop-motion techniques used in the recent box office hit, 的Boxtrolls, 和 his energy is infectious. "We built a conveyer belt out of cellophane to create water. 制造烟雾, we took an open chicken wire frame, attached some cotton balls to it 和 used a fan to blow them around,“ 电影学士 graduate 和 2009 名人堂 inductee explained.

Steve met with students last month to give them some insight into the motion capture world as well as offering them some great advice on how to st和 out in the industry.

Having been in the industry for 27 years, Steve is now the Head of Engineering for 莱卡犬工作室. "The nice thing about the visual effects industry is that there aren't a lot of politics involved, so you can rise through the ranks based on the quality of your work. By 1996 [after having just graduated from 满帆 in 1992] I was operating a lot of high-profile miniature work."

Laika is the largest stop-motion animation studio in the world 和 is behind the creation of movies such as Coraline, ParaNorman, 和 的Boxtrolls which are each incredibly intricate 和 immersive in their own right.

"As a corporate ethos, we feel that when someone goes to the cinema 和 you pay for a stop-motion film, it's our duty to give that to you. We try to do as many real physical effects as we can," Steve said.

The presentation progressed toward more of a conversation between Steve 和 his audience as he shared that not just your talent is going to get you the job. "If you remember nothing else from today, remember this: the most important thing about the film 业务 is that it is a 业务, 和 you have to market yourself accordingly. Everyone needs to look deep into themselves 和 find something unique that they can sell."

Rejection is guaranteed to be part of the entertainment industry, but Steve urged students not to get discouraged. “你可以。 有创意的 和 富有想象力的, but I need to exchange my money for a solution to my problem." If you're not the person to offer that solution, it's not personal, it's 业务.

Steve's latest project with Laika is the film Kubo 和 the Two Strings, which will be premiering in theaters this August.